
Abstract Submission Topics

  • Division 1 : Soil in Space and Time
  • Division 2 : Soil Properties and Processes
  • Division 3 : Soil Use and Management
  • Division 4 : The Role of Soils in Sustaining Society and the Environment
Category ID Title
Congress Symposia CGS1 Soils for Peace
CGS2 Soil Security
CGS3 Soil-Plant Welfare
CGS4 IUSS for Global Soils
Inter-Divisional Symposia IDS1 Folk Soil Knowledge for Soil Taxonomy and Assessment
IDS2 Global Soil Partnership
IDS3 Soil Information and Food Security
IDS4 Critical Issues of Radionuclide Behavior in Soils and Remediation
IDS5 Biochar Soil Amendment for Environmental and Agronomic Benefits

*Special Issues
Guest Editors: Jeffrey M. Novak, Kurt A. Spokas, Kyoung S. Ro, Nanthi Bolan, Sophie Minori Uchimiya, Yong Sik Ok, Gilbert C. Siguad

Plant and Soil
Guest Editors: Johannes Lehmann, Yakov Kuzyakov, Genxing Pan, Yong Sik Ok


Soil Microbial Ecology under Stress and Global Climate Change

*Special Issue


IDS7 The Soil Health: Human Health Nexus
IDS8 Soils, Land Use and Heat
IDS9 Key Processes and Factors to Mitigate Land Degradation

Impact of Bioenergy Cropping on Soils and the Environment

*Special Issue

Guest Editors: Dokyoung Lee, Chang Oh Hong

IDS11 Nanotechnologies in Environmental Soil Science
IDS12 Development of Agricultural Technology and Contribution for World Food Welfare

Integrated Management Strategies for As and Cd in Rice Paddy Environments

*Special Issue


IDS14 From Science to Policy – is the Knowledge on Diffuse Pollution by POPs Sufficient to Support Policies

Advanced Technology on Soil Remediation in Mined Lands: MIRECO Symposium

IDS17 Surface Soil Resources Inventory and Integration: Soil Value and Erosion
Divisional Symposia DS1 Micromorphological Answers to Palaeopedological and Polypedogenetic Questions 
DS2 Soil Development and Soil Properties and Functions
DS3 Modelling of Soil Properties and Processes – Challenges and Opportunities
DS4 The Lifetime Contributions of Professor J.Keith Syers to International Soil Science - A Memorial Symposium

Soil Health: Key to Food Security

DS6 Soils in the Anthropocene Era: Global Health, Food Security, and Human Health
DS7 African Eco-efficient Solutions to Food Insecurity and Climate Change
Commissional Symposia Comm. 1.1-Soil Morphology C1.1-1 The Role of Environment on Soil Formation: Morphological Indicators
C1.1-2 Interactions between Soil Structure, Living Organism and Organic Matter
Comm. 1.2-Soil Geography C1.2-1 Pedodiversity and Ecological Services –Bridging Soil Geography and Land Use
C1.2-2 Soil Data, Spatial information Systems and Interpretation Procedures
Comm. 1.3-Soil Genesis C1.3-1 Weathering and Soil formation in Response to Environmental Changes
C1.3-2 Volcanic Soils: Distinctive Properties and Management
Comm. 1.4-Soil Classification C1.4-1 Marginal Soils: The Classification of Technogenic, Subaqueous, and Extraterrestrial Soil-like Bodies
C1.4-2 The Progress in Development and Harmonization of Soil Classifications
Comm. 1.5-Pedometrics C1.5-1 Validation of Soil Carbon Sequestration
C1.5-2 Quantification and Application of Uncertainty in Pedometrics
Comm. 1.6-Paleopedology C1.6-1 Paleosols and Pedosedimentary Sequences for Understanding Impacts of Climatic Changes
C1.6-2 Quantitative Palaeo-Environmental Proxies in Paleosols
Comm. 2.1-Soil Physics C2.1-1 Quantifying Evaporative Fluxes from Terrestrial Surfaces
C2.1-2 Biophysical Aspects of Soil Function - Exploring Soil Hidden Frontiers
C2.1-3 Hydro-Ecological Observatories and Advances in Soil Measurements and Sensors
Comm. 2.2-Soil Chemistry C2.2-1 Biogeochemical Reactivity of Soils and Sediments: Molecular Process Control over Material Flux at Field Scales
C2.2-2 Soil Organic Carbon:  Dynamics, Stabilization, and Environmental Implications
C2.2-3 Behavior and Fate of Pollutants Entering the Soil Environment
Comm. 2.3-Soil Biology C2.3-1 Modern Soil Biology for N and C Transformation: From Genes to Ecosystems
C2.3-2 Life in Soils – Distribution and Function of Soil Microorganisms in a Changing Environment
C2.3-3 Microbial Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions in Volcanic Soils
Comm. 2.4-Soil Mineralogy C2.4-1 Mineralogy and Reactivity of Soil Microsites
C2.4-2 Roles of Minerals as Suppliers and Regulators of Plant Nutrients
C2.4-3 Minerals as Regulators of Carbon Flow Through Soils
Comm. 2.5-Soil Chemical, Physical and Biological Interfacial Reactions C2.5-1 Advances in Techniques to Investigate Chemical, Physical and Biological Interfaces in Soils
C2.5-2 How do Interactions with Organo-Mineral Surfaces Alter the Dynamics and Properties of Microbes and Macromolecules in Soil?

Mechanism Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Soils

*Special Issue


Comm. 3.2-Soil and Water Conservation C3.2-1 Soil Erosion and Degradation on Agriculture Land
Comm. 3.3-Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition C3.3-1 Mobilization of Essential Micronutrients by Exudates
C3.3-2 Advances in Rhizosphere Regulation and Soil Nutrient Management
C3.3-3 Ecological Significance of Soil Organic Phosphorus
C3.3-4 Soil Management Strategy for Enhancing Crop Yields
Comm. 3.4-Soil Engineering and Technology C3.4-1 Design and Performance of Cover Systems for Landfills and Contaminated Sites
Comm. 3.5-Soil Degradation Control, Remediation, Reclamation C3.5-1 Water Conservation Technologies and Impacts on Sustainable Dry Land Agriculture
C3.5-2 Techniques to Manage Contaminated Arable Soils
C3.5-3 Management and Reclamation of Mining Site Soils
C3.5-4 Physical Restoration of Soils
C3.5-5 Degradation and Sustainable Use of Mountain Soils
Comm. 3.6-Salt-affected Soils C3.6-1 Saline and Sodic Ecosystems in the Changing World
C3.6-2 Salinity Management When Irrigating with Marginal Quality Waters
Comm. 4.1-Soils and Environment C4.1-1 Advances in Quantifying Forest Soil Processes and Functions
C4.1-2 Environmental Management of Post-Epidemic Carcass Burial Sites
C4.1-3 Soil Ecosystem under Climate Change
Comm. 4.2-Soils, Food Security and Human Health C4.2-1 Linking forest Management and Soil Processes to Ecosystem Productivity and Functions
Comm. 4.4-Soil Education and Public Awareness  C4.4-1 Education and Social Awareness for Soil Science in General Public
C4.4-2 Widening the Soil Science Course to the Various Directions of Scientific and Humanistic Area
Comm. 4.5-History, Philosophy and Sociology of Soil Science C4.5-1 The Soil Underfoot: Infinite Possibilities for a Finite Resource
C4.5-2 Cultural Perspectives on Soils and Soil Science
Working Groups Symposia WG1 Soil Monitoring for Mankind and Environment Safety  
WG2 WRB-Lessons Learned from the Development of the Third Edition 2014
WG3 Understanding Acid Sulfate Soils: The Key to Their Proper Management
WG4 New Approaches in Paddy Soil Management for Food Safety and Environmental Quality
WG5 Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Rice Paddy Soils
WG6 Urban Soils-Properties, Functions and Evolution
WG7 Agricultural land management for improving soil fertility and irrigation efficiency of AFACI Pan-Asia Project
WG8 Proximal Soil Sensing
WG9 Steps made toward a Universal Soil Classification
WG10 Cryosols on a Changing Planet: Properties, Processes, Regimes and Functions
WG11 Soil Information Exchange Standards and Systems
WG12 Unique Contributions of Hydropedology to Integrated Soil and Water Sciences
WG13 Progress in Digital Soil Mapping and GlobalSoilMap